Sunday, June 30, 2019

Dabble, Binge, Wait or Pass

I'm two games behind on my Working Girl Game Review and I promise to get to those as soon as I can.  But in the meantime I've been thinking.  If I wait until I finish a game before I give my impressions of it those reviews are going to be few and far between.  It also doesn't help that I'm trying to get through some older back log games that are not exactly current.  So I came up with an idea.

Dabble, Binge, Wait or Pass

What does that mean exactly?  Well, if I've played a game for a couple of hours and have gotten a good sense of what the game is I'll write up my first impressions.  It won't be an in depth look at the game overall just a DBWP assessment of how I feel about it at that time.  What does those words mean?

This is for games that you can pop in and out of and not have to worry about trying to follow a story thread or relearn game controls.  It's an easy in and out type of game.  Something that you can play for a couple of minutes and than not come back to for days and still be okay when you pick the game back up again.

This is a game that needs to be played in long sittings.  Taking any time away might make you feel confused and lost when you come back to the game.  Like not remembering where you need to head next in the story.  Or maybe be frustrated having the relearn all the game mechanics and controls when you come back after being gone a while.  This is  game that needs to be focused on and given your full attention if you want to follow along.

This is game that is okay to play . . . just not right now.  It's the game to pick up when you have no other games to play or don't want to focus and get involved in a game.  That doesn't mean it's a bad game; just one that will give you a good experience but not a whole lot of depth.  The type of game where you skip the cut scenes because you just want to get to the action and don't really care about the story.

Should be self-explanatory.  These are games that are not worth your time.  That's there's more important things you can do instead of playing this game.  Like having all your toenails ripped out at once.  That kind of game.

These will be my Working Girl First Impressions and I hope it helps me get reviews and impressions up for a lot more games.  There will be older games and new games in the mix.  I've got a lot of games that I haven't played and maybe this will help me (and you) figure out what games I enjoy playing and can focus on.  If you have any thoughts or suggestions, please let me know.

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