I only have myself to blame though. I really screwed up in the game and instead of letting my audio run while I went online to figure out what to do to fix things, I stopped the audio and then restarted when I was ready to play again. Unfortunately I had to do that more than once. I ended up with 3 audio files for one video. Getting those to sync up and edit was a pain in the butt.
After all was said and done and while I waited for my video to upload to YouTube, I called my brother dain bramage. I had some questions to ask about external hard drives and such. I mentioned my editing nightmare and he asked why didn't I just sync up all the audio initially and then render the file into one file (my audio and video are separate files now with the way I have to do things) and then edit that. I wouldn't have had to edit the video and audio files separately and then have to constantly have to check that things were synced up.
It's such a simple thing. But it blew my mind. Why didn't I think of that? I'm the one playing around with the editing software so I should have been able to figure that out. Or at least make a guess that something like that would work. But no. I was so set in the painful way that I've been editing that I couldn't think outside the box to make it better. What took almost 3 hours to do could have been done in less than an hour. Mind blown.
The main reason I wanted to talk to my brother was to ask if it was okay to use an old external hard drive that I had been using for my old Windows XP machine that is now completely worthless. I had a bunch of stupid questions to ask because I'm not a computer geek like he is, but he helped me figure things out and told e how to reformat the drive once I've taken off all vital information that I want to keep.
I also had to ask him how to get all my writing that I've stored on little floppy disks on to my laptop so that I could keep them and possibly work on them. We talked about the size of floppy disks and he said they were only 1.44mb in size.
That's all? I remember when floppy disks came out (I'm dating myself here) and I can't believe that that was only how big they were. So I asked him who big a CD had for storage. He said only about 700mbs. What? Really?
I then tried to do the math in my head on how many floppy disks you could store on a CD. Or how many floppy disks you could store in 1 gigabit of space.
Pow! and Pow!
I was thinking I would need a lot of space to store all the short stories I've written over the years because I have a lot of 3.5 floppy disks but it's actually not that much. I was thinking that I would need at least an 8gb thumb drive but I think I could get away with a 2gb drive and have room to spare. I thought I had a lot of writing but when you put it in that perspective, I really don't.
I hate it when I don't know something because I hate looking like a fool. Tonight I looked like a BIG fool. And with simple things too boot. Maybe I'm too focused on other things that I don't really pay attention to other things. I mean, nothing I learned tonight is earth shattering. I don't just learn of a cure for cancer or how to stop hunger in Africa, but it was still weird to have my eyes opened to such simple things that I was unaware about before.
I wonder what other things people know that will blow my mind. It seems my can be so easily blew, but I wouldn't think of myself as naïve. Clueless maybe, but not naïve. Maybe my life can be a sequel to that movie. A good preview of my cluelessness can be found in my latest video. Check it out.
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